Allotment Diary – April 2024  

April seemed to come and go at a rapid pace. Thankfully, when I reflect on the goings-on down the allotment, it was a very satisfying month – especially due to the fact it was a time of increased planting and sowing.   The first early potatoes went in at the end of March. Following in April were both the second early varieties of ‘Charlotte’ and ‘Estima’ and … Continue reading Allotment Diary – April 2024  

Walled Garden Diaries – September Update 

The last of the updates from the Walled Garden was back in early Summer and, at that point, I don’t think I was prepared then for the heatwave that was about to hit the country. To be truthful, up in north Cumbria we got off lightly compared to other areas of England and Wales, but it was still a challenge, and coping with temperatures of … Continue reading Walled Garden Diaries – September Update 

Walled Garden Diaries: Early Summer Update

May and June are always some of the busiest and most hectic months in a kitchen garden. That late Spring/early Summer period always comes with so much to sow, plant, prepare, and also, of course, weed. But there is also, satisfyingly, a growing amount of crops ready for harvesting.  It has been a couple of months since my last Walled Garden Diary. I think April … Continue reading Walled Garden Diaries: Early Summer Update

Companion Planting for Fruit & Vegetables

Would you like healthy and strong plants? Crops that aren’t destroyed by pests? And a bountiful harvest of produce? If your answer is yes to any of these (and who wouldn’t want all three) then maybe it is time to consider taking a close look at companion planting. Anyone growing vegetables at home, or on an allotment, can take advantage of it. Companion planting is … Continue reading Companion Planting for Fruit & Vegetables

Walled Garden Diaries: Shape of Things to Come

The walled garden has really taken shape, with the attention on getting beds prepped and seeds sown ready for the 2022 season. The key job undertaken has been to prepare the beds in the walled garden for the coming season. It has been a long time coming and one that has really refreshed the garden as a whole, if I do say so myself. There … Continue reading Walled Garden Diaries: Shape of Things to Come

A Late Winter’s Visit to Dalemain

We made a visit on a February Sunday to Dalemain House and Gardens near Penrith in the north of the fantastic Lake District. After several weekends of wind and storms, the clouds broke to give a sunny, but albeit still nippy in the shade, chance to visit this delightful garden set against the beautiful Lakeland Fells. Dalemain features a large country house, part-Georgian, and part-Tudor, … Continue reading A Late Winter’s Visit to Dalemain