Allotment Year in pics

It’s been quite a year for a first foray into being allotmenteers. But it’s been a fantastic experience and one that’s been full of challenges, rewards and fun. I plan to write a longer blog post about the 12 months, covering all the successes and failures, very shortly. But I thought I’d start with a quick photo journey of the year, from the weedy field … Continue reading Allotment Year in pics

Walled Garden Diaries: A Glorious Glut 

The garden was on fine form in August, despite fluctuating weather, as we continued to pick veg like crazy and reconvened the ongoing weed battle. There has been the usual gluts, namely the cucumbers and courgettes. A few packs of seed have been so prolific and the pickings are always massively popular with visitors. There are always the ever-popular crops of beetroot and beans, though … Continue reading Walled Garden Diaries: A Glorious Glut 

Walled Garden Diaries: A Transitional Time

April was a month where the Walled Garden really started developing, with lots of vegetables going into the ground while we continued to grow and nurture hundreds of other plants ready to follow them into the beds, but only once the risk of cold and frost has passed.   This is the second in my monthly recaps of what goes on in the Walled Garden. The … Continue reading Walled Garden Diaries: A Transitional Time